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Message for Interact


Interact is a UK Publishing House. 

Launching in London in 2002, and initially specialising in sport non-fiction, it has a reputation as one of the most innovative book publishers. It is now also publishing a limited number of fiction titles.

It has broken the mould in both novelty books and personalised books, alongside achieving a high percentage of UK Bookscan chart success.


We are always open to new publishing ideas, especially if they are linked to our existing projects. Sadly, we're not set up to deal with fiction and non-fiction manuscripts, and we'd hate to disappoint, so please send these to a reputable literary agency.

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Privacy policy

Full privacy. At Interact Publishing, we do not collect or share your data. If you leave comments on the site we respond to them if required and then delete from the site. We will reply to any emails or requests for information but not save your data. We will respect your privacy at all times.

Cookies policy

No cookies. If you leave a comment on our site you may opt-in to saving your name and email address so we can reply to you. However, we do not employ cookies and have no way or recording your information beyond the question you ask and the address you wish us to respond to.

Advertising policy

No adverts. provides information on our books and links to sites where you can purchase them. Beyond that, we do not engage in advertising, promoting or marketing products or services to you.


Crime, Contemporary Fiction, Fantasy, Young Adult, Humour, Non-fiction